Dragon Egg Chapter 184

POST DISCLAIMER: The contents in this post are, for the most part, presented how they were on prior incarnations of the dsrealm website. As such, the contents presented may be obsolete, with modifications only being done to alter or remove links and the like.

CHAPTER DISCLAIMER: The chapter presented in this post has been copied from a prior incarnation of the dsrealm website with minimal to no modifications. Quality from the copying process may not be guaranteed. Quality from older chapters that did not follow the currently accepted translation process may also not be guaranteed.

Original Poster: Damatish

Hello, lucksego which was a temporary move is acting a little wonky so we decided to switch to the new permanent site here on dsrealmtranslations. Now, it isn’t very touched up yet but its still better then a broken site. Also, some things aren’t linked yet so bare with us as we do that throughout today. Anyways, some good news, this is now our permanent site, and we will be releasing another chapter on Friday! Join us on Discord for all the latest updates that aren’t posted here.





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