Dragon Egg Chapter 173

POST DISCLAIMER: The contents in this post are, for the most part, presented how they were on prior incarnations of the dsrealm website. As such, the contents presented may be obsolete, with modifications only being done to alter or remove links and the like.

CHAPTER DISCLAIMER: The chapter presented in this post has been copied from a prior incarnation of the dsrealm website with minimal to no modifications. Quality from the copying process may not be guaranteed. Quality from older chapters that did not follow the currently accepted translation process may also not be guaranteed.

Original Poster: Lyncth

Here’s the first chapter of the week to keep all you single readers company. And to the readers who aren’t single, Happy Valentine’s day! Next chapter might be delayed a bit. It’s a longer chapter than usual and our editors are working hard to go through the chapter and fix any grammatical or spelling errors. We’re still in need of another translation checker, so if you’re interested, come talk to us on Discord.





Sebas Tian
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