Dragon Egg Chapter 147

POST DISCLAIMER: The contents in this post are, for the most part, presented how they were on prior incarnations of the dsrealm website. As such, the contents presented may be obsolete, with modifications only being done to alter or remove links and the like.

CHAPTER DISCLAIMER: The chapter presented in this post has been copied from a prior incarnation of the dsrealm website with minimal to no modifications. Quality from the copying process may not be guaranteed. Quality from older chapters that did not follow the currently accepted translation process may also not be guaranteed.

Original Poster: Damatish

Hello, an update on things, Master of Monsters and Riot Grasper are still awaiting for the go ahead so after I get that I will post their chapters. In the meantime I am working on a new site as I kinda really only made this one for one novel to be posted. Didn’t think to far ahead when I made this site so I’m paying for it now, anyway, once the other site is done I will start posting things there and then switch back to here after fixing it up or something. Or ill just stick with the other site, it will still be dsrealm. something so that’s one thing. Other then that, Enjoy.





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